While we are a full-service Marketing and Design Agency, below are some of principal services in more detail.

Website Optimisation

LinkedIn Strategy, Social Media and Google Ads

Content Creation

Email Marketing

Funnel and Landing Page Design

Lead Generation


Service Design

Google Ad Words


Growth Strategy

Campaign Design

Video Production

Traffic Analysis

Search Engine Optimisation


Website Optimisation

Your website is the face of your business. These days it is the first place a potential client will find themselves, followed closely by your social media.

This is why it is important that ALL aspects of your digital presence are cohesive and play their individual parts in leading the customer on a journey to your services.

An optimised website is an important part of Search Engine Optimisation. We offer website optimisation in the following areas:

  • website analysis, website redesign, website copy, mobile optimisation, landing pages, SEO, chatbots

LinkedIn Strategy, Social Media and Google Ads

LinkedIn for both B2B and B2C lead generation is our specialty. An organic approach with both long-term and short-term returns.

Social media can offer both a paid and organic stream of leads.

Google Ads is a tried and tested method of lead and sale generation however, it is a delicate equation and needs to be expertly handled.

Content Creation

The more your audience sees your name and your content, the more they can connect and trust you. Content Marketing helps you build a community. An audience that trusts you and feels engaged if more likely to positively engage with your brand and your call to action.

We offer content creation and implementation across the following media:

  • blog posts, social media posts, infographics and images, animated ‘explainer’ videos, one pagers & downloads, ebooks, checklists, brochures, case studies, video production

Email Marketing

Stay present in the minds of your potential clients through email marketing. We ensure ROI through personalised communications using segmented lists generated through our lead generation strategies.

Funnel and Landing Page Design

Once captured through lead generation, social media or google ads, your leads are sent on a tailored journey through to sale. Our funnels and landing pages are expertly and individually architected for maximum conversion.

Lead Generation

We will conduct an analysis of your business and confirm the best media of lead generation. This may be one key media or a mixture of different media, messaging and target audience. A steady stream of vetted leads with the highest prospect of conversion.

Does All of this sound complex? It really isn't!

We perform an analysis of your business and target market to ensure a mix of only the most effective strategies are used. KL Digital delivers outcomes with as few moving parts as possible. This ensures a manageable and maintainable strategy that our clients understand and a process they can follow throughout, while still sitting back and avoiding the stress and hassle of strategy design and implementation. We get our clients back to doing what is important, doing what they do best, closing leads, making money and managing the day to day aspects of their business.